#007 – Everyone wants connection. Yet it’s the very thing that can seem elusive in a world where we are more “connected” than ever. On this week’s podcast, we’re exploring the topic of vulnerability. Of what does it mean to really allow others to see more of who we are and inviting others in. It’s both exhilarating and terrifying. Yet somehow, deep down, we all know that this is what we were created for. Often times the places that most scare us are the very pathways that lead us to a greater growth and a deeper love. Join us as we explore this and many other themes on this week’s podcast. You’ll even meet Trent the Influencer, who has quite a bit to say about the topic of vulnerability himself.
Notable Quotes
“The reality of vulnerability of any kind and why it’s hard to do is because there’s literally nothing we can control. We can’t control how another person is going to react. How a group of people will respond. We basically have zero control over how we are going to be received.”
“One of the interesting parts about vulnerability, whether it’s us taking the risk to connect with a human or it’s us expressing part of who we are, is that at some point you do get to that place where there is a resonance. Where you actually begin to find people or people find you who resonate with your voice. That can be a really exciting and a really scary thing.”
“It’s these small moments of connection, even when we’re sharing something about who we are, that affects us. Because we are in relationship with so many things.”
“To be in our Zone of Genius, requires taking the risk not just seeing others, but taking the risk to be seen.”
“Somewhere in this place where we begin to die to the need to be understood, a mystery is unlocked, where we are now able to listen or see in a way that perhaps we weren’t able to before.”
“We often operate under the erroneous notion that the amount of time a person has been in our lives is equal to the depth by which we will be understood. When that doesn’t happen, it rattles our world.”
“Even though vulnerability can be scary, it is the very thing that invites others into the dance.”