#011 – As we wind down 2020, the cost of the pandemic has had its toll not just economically, but also on the state of our minds. It’s easy to feel stuck anytime in life, especially when circumstances may feel or appear to be overwhelming. Often times creating lasting change is far easier than we make it out to be. On this week’s episode, we spoke with Nicole Gardiner, a Life Strategist who has worked with some of the top coaches throughout the world. She has coached hundreds of clients over the past few years. She’ll share with us more how changing our state of both mind and body is often one of the simplest ways to unlock our potential and build new and lasting habits.
For more information about Coach Nik, please visit her website at: https://www.coachnik.com.
Notable Quotes from coach niK
“Our old identity is what often keeps us stuck.”
“Successful people are willing to do what others are not. What that means is they are willing to get uncomfortable. If you’re learning something, it’s not failure.”
“Shame convinces us that I was supposed to be better than this.”
“What would my life look like if nothing controlled me?”
“Whenever you feel fear of whatever you are doing especially if it’s something creative, what you focus on is going to be magnified. Focus equals feeling. Whatever you focus on you are going to feel even if it’s not true.”
“Then you shift your focus to what is the outcome I want to achieve? How will it make others feel? This is about them, not about me. When you focus on them, all of a sudden you get out of your own way because you are focused on the gift you want to give to the world. What you want to contribute. It totally shifts the intention.”